Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, June 19, 2009

Sneak peak :)

How often do you get to see a 4.44 cm fetus, who happens to be your own flesh and blood? :) Not so often! Its was AMAZING seeing the baby for the first time!. Such a small, cute, little, tiny, micro, itsy bitsy living thing growing inside Eunice's body.

We decided to go for a scan at Aventist Hospital to see how the baby was doing, and was estatic to find a healthy and strong baby. The doctor said it was too early to know if its a boy or girl, but we didnt mind, we were just elated to have a glimps of him/her. I guess we have to wait another month before we know the sex of the baby.

Initially we were told by the doctor at a clinic that the due date was 20th January 2010, but Dr. Soon (our gynae) gave us a new and better date, 29th December 2009!! Thats like one month earlier, superb! According to him, the most accurate way to calculate the due date of a baby is to measure the CRL.

CRL?? Whats that? CRL = Crown-Rump Length. "Crown-rump length (CRL) is the measurement of the length of human embryos and fetuses from the top of the head (crown) to the bottom of the buttocks (rump). It is typically determined from ultrasound imagery and can be used to estimate gestational age." (courtesy of Wikipedia).

A bit about our gynae:
Name: Dr. Soon Su Seong
Age: probably mid 30s
General Medical Degree from University of Malaya
Obstetrician & Gynaecologist from Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland - 2006
1 year training at KK Hospital in Singapore: 2007 - 2008

Monday, June 8, 2009

To the man I love :)

Thank you for putting up with my nonsense and my constant mood-swings J I cannot imagine what life would have been if our path had not crossed and I know for sure that you are God sent.

This is a man who would wake up to prepare breakfast for me every morning. Helps with the house chores, good poet (read the entry before J), cooks well (yeah!), makes me feel good when I don’t feel good and most importantly someone who Loves God!  I cannot ask for more J

I look forward to building this family with you! You’ll be a great dad like how you are as a husband and maybe even better! 

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

To my child...

Each day I pray to God that you will grow strong in your mother’s womb

Never have there been a day that I put you aside

You are a gift from God

A gift that surpasses all earthly treasures

Sometimes I smile to myself just thinking of you

The thought of you brings joy to my heart

I’m counting the days till I see you face to face

The sooner the better, that’s for sure

I may not carry you well the first few days or weeks

But I will from day to day

I’ll hold you firm and never let you go

I’ll shield you from harm both physical & spiritual

You don’t have to shout and cry to get my fullest attention

I will do it out of my love for you

I will give you the best of what you need

Even if it means not getting what I want

Until the day comes

Lord I commit both mother and child into Your hands

- Your earthly father :) -