Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, August 1, 2008

2 wonderful years and many more to come :)

Was clearing Gabes luggage bag 2 days ago after his trip back form Bangkok and it suddenly crossed my mind so I stopped and immediately turned to him and said "oh my goodness, our 2 years anniversary was 2 days AGO!". We have both been so busy that weekend that we totally forgot about it. Lucky for him, I've forgotten about it as well... Hah.

It's been a 2 wonderful years together. We've both learned so much from each other and ABOUT each other. We've loved, argued, make peace, argue again, yada yada yada but it's been all good. I look forward to the many more years to come and our commitment to love and cherish one another till death do us part *HEH*

So I shall leave you all with some pics of us of the great times that we've had together and we're both looking forward to see YOU at our big day this Dec. For those who've helped in many ways, thank you. We love you guys dearly :)

Our first trip together. (Singapore 06')

Memorable moments (Bali 07')
Bangkok 07'
Gabriel dearest, thank you for putting with all my nonsense. Wo ai ni!
my man :)