My tummy's growing so that's a good sign :) I got a lil anxious to know how exactly does it look like right now so I did a lil googling and this was what I found.

Aww see that little thing :)
It's probably a size of an egg now and probably starting to form it's hands and legs. (Sorry I'm only referring to an it because we don't know if it's going to be a girl or a boy:) )
Well okay going to rest now. As small as an egg it's draining lots of my energy :S
yup...thanks for clearing that up - it's not the baby's fault!! :-D
Aww, you poor thing. It'll get better don't worry:) Just thought I'd let you know bout this website You can sign up as member and they will send you weekly updates on the baby's growth in yr tummy. I used to really look fwd to receiving the emails. Take care mommy;D
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