Saturday, August 29, 2009
Coookiieeeee Monster!

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Everybody was Kung Fu fighting...Part 2 (Eunice's account)

Gabe’s so much better with updating the blog. I on the other hand prefer to sit down and do nothing and watch the blog being update by him. J
So finally the baby’s kicking (Hee-yah!). They usually start kicking at 17th-18th week but most fist time moms will not realize till later in their 20th week that was very true for my case. At first I thought I was maybe hungry and could be just gas in tummy but I realize that it’s NOT it’s the BABY. It was super exciting! Sometimes it really feels as if it’s his little feet that you’re feeling and Oh the JOY of feeling that. The cutest part of this is when he responses to the music when I placed the earphone over my belly. Not too long after the music is played he’ll start kicking keke. I hope it’s not too loud in there. My boy the kicker J
He also usually kicks at night when Gabe and I are resting and watching the TV. It’s as if he knows just when to be asking for attention. Gabe still does his baby talk with the baby. And when I ask what is it that he’s telling the baby, he tells me it’s a father and son secret so okay la whatever :P
4.5 months before we get to hold him in our arms!!!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Everybody was Kung Fu fighting...Part I (Gabe's account)

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Now..the update that everyone have been asking...IT'S A BOY!!
I've been lazy!...very lazy!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
It MIGHT be a boy :)
- he updated the post before (actually 2 posts before)
- he's also falling sick because of me
- he's in Bangkok
- I love him and he's the father of my baby haha :P
Friday, June 19, 2009
Sneak peak :)
Name: Dr. Soon Su Seong
Monday, June 8, 2009
To the man I love :)
Thank you for putting up with my nonsense and my constant mood-swings J I cannot imagine what life would have been if our path had not crossed and I know for sure that you are God sent.
This is a man who would wake up to prepare breakfast for me every morning. Helps with the house chores, good poet (read the entry before J), cooks well (yeah!), makes me feel good when I don’t feel good and most importantly someone who Loves God! I cannot ask for more J
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
To my child...
Never have there been a day that I put you aside
You are a gift from God
A gift that surpasses all earthly treasures
Sometimes I smile to myself just thinking of you
The thought of you brings joy to my heart
I’m counting the days till I see you face to face
The sooner the better, that’s for sure
I may not carry you well the first few days or weeks
But I will from day to day
I’ll hold you firm and never let you go
I’ll shield you from harm both physical & spiritual
You don’t have to shout and cry to get my fullest attention
I will do it out of my love for you
I will give you the best of what you need
Even if it means not getting what I want
Until the day comes
Lord I commit both mother and child into Your hands
- Your earthly father :) -
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Manchester United: The best in England, the WORLD, but not Europe

Monday, May 25, 2009
Then came the vomiting

Sunday, May 24, 2009
To complete an ideal Saturday one would have to: