And its become a norm that when I meet up with frens, the "how's the preparation" question never seems to end. And to be honest with you, I really don't know if I've done enough considering I have about only 5 more months to go. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5. *faints* I'm starting to freak out but I dunno what I'm freaking out about. Getting married or the whole big preparation towards the big day. Justine gave me this wedding planner as an engagement present 5 months back and there are guidelines of what is needed to be done month by month leading up to THE day. I think I can safely say that most of it we've managed to follow and that the bigger part of the preparation is almost done.
1. Renovation of the "love birds" nest is done! What's left to do is building the cabinet, buy some nice curtains for the room (although gabe insist that there's nothing wrong with the current one. I shall blog the pic one day... it's "bluek" )
2. We've hired the band for that day.
3. Got Ming to be in charge of the church deco (thanks Ming, we love you :) )
4. Booked the wedding car with a fren :) Thanks to Chi Eng and Clement for offering. And it comes with a driver too. Who would be a better driver for that big day other then Mr Teh himself.
5. Taken our pre-wedding shots, booked the dresses for the big day.
6. Gotten the cards from the hotel. What's left is to send them to the printer for printing.
7.Hired the photographer and videographer for that day
What's left to do:
1. Finalize the guestlist again. The list never seems to end. (one of our biggest headache)
2. Buy our wedding band.
3. Finalize the decoration details.
4. Book a caterer for the wedding ceremony.
5. Food tasting in the hotel.
6. Find an emcee
7. .........GET MARRIED!
But the best part of all these is that we've realized that we have so many good friends around us that are more than willing to help out in one way or another. Thank you guys we truly appreciate your sincerity to help.
Here are some pics of the room still looking very bare. Yet to fix the cupboard and a LCD TV!!! anyone? heh.

Heading down to Ikea this 15th Aug!! you can see, there are alot more to buy! $$$$$.
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